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Welcome to Wenze Foundation

You will make a difference here. Make the world better, kinder, brighter. Every donation you give will bring a real change and a new era.

Make A Better World

The idea of changing the world can be daunting. It's not only easy but understandable to think, "I’m only one person; what can I really do?" If every person thinks that, nothing will get done. But if every person did just one thing to make the world a better place today, billions of acts of kindness, social responsibility and generosity would take place — and wouldn’t that alone change the face of this planet? Helen Keller said, "I am only one, but still I am one; I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and just because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do." That is the attitude in which authors Linda Catling and Jeffery Hollender wrote the book How to Make the World a Better Place: 116 Ways You Can Make a Difference. Here is a list of some of their ideas, and a few others, on how to make the world a better place one small action at a time. 1. Volunteer your time at local schools Whether you have a school-age child or not, children are the future of this world. Spend time helping them reach their potential by tutoring, mentoring or taking part in an after-school program. 2. Recognize the humanity of other people, and respect their dignity Consciously realize that the homeless man you pass on the street every day is, in fact, a man. Through choices of his own or circumstances out of his control, he ended up in this situation, and that makes him no less human. Say hello and warmly greet him. Your greeting could bring healing to his heart, and help heal the world one person at a time. Treat people as equals, no matter how you interpret their social standing. Donate to clean water charities A large portion of the world is without fresh drinking water. Educate yourself about the drought epidemic, and make the world a better place by donating to organizations and charities helping to fight against the lack of clean water around the globe. Your donation could result in the reduction of preventable, water-related diseases.

Be generous

It's easy to be selfish with your time, money, and resources by getting caught up in our material-driven societal expectations. Try being generous and see how your life changes. Buy coffee for the person behind you in line at Starbucks, read to children at your local library, or simply stop and listen for the answer when you ask a friend how they're doing. Chances are that your generosity will energize you, and you'll feel less helpless about how to make the world a better place.


We are here to help you!

Wenze Foundation is an organization that provides donations to helpless children, women, and poor people so they to become self-sufficient. Wenze Foundation’s humanitarian projects are committed to helping around the world.

  • a) We've helped families and communities get back on their feet quickly.
  • b) Wenze Foundation fundraising tools make it easy for you to create, share, and raise money for your campaign.
  • c) Wenze Foundation helps you easily share your story far and wide over email, text, and social media to rally support for your cause.
3CCK9G4.jpg Prince Wenceslas, son of private banker Prince Philipp of Liechtenstein and nephew of the reigning Prince Hans-Adam II, has never married or had children, unlike his equally dashing brothers Alexander and Rudolf.

Born: 12 May 1974 (age 49 years), Uccle, Belgium
Great-grandparents: Prince Aloys of Liechtenstein, Archduchess Elisabeth Amalie of Austria, Nora Kinsky von Wchinitz und Tettau
Grandparents: Franz Joseph II, Prince of Liechtenstein, MORE
Parents: Prince Philipp Erasmus of Liechtenstein, Princess Isabelle, Princess Philipp of Liechtenstein.


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  • Kindly contact us for a partnership at you can also contact us if you need a Royal Membership/Visiting Card.

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Discover Benefits And Facilities

Wenze Foundation the best place to fundraise, whether you are an individual, group, or organization. Wenze Foundation builds into a global movement and international activists all over the world.


Wenze Foundation ensures Funding contributions for vulnerable children, poor and women.


Wenze Foundation works with partners around the world to donate services that protect.


Wenze Foundation campaign takes a stand for literacy and enables people to be heard in Seattle.


Wenze Foundation relies on voluntary contributions to the mission of reaching every child.


Best Place To Donate Your Valuable Money

Wenze Foundation strives to ensure that deprived, excluded, and vulnerable children, poor and women have the capacity to improve their lives. Wenze Foundation works with various nations and regions to save youngsters' lives, to protect their privileges, and to assist them with satisfying their latent capacity, from youth through humanity.






People Helped



Our Best Volunteer

We envision transformed a new world. We try to restore through donation, revoke the poverty, make a new era.


Sarah Robert

Participate 0 Campaigns
From : United States

Marissa Tybor

Participate 0 Campaigns
From : United States

Emily Ashton

Participate 0 Campaigns
From : US

Selina donderwink

Participate 0 Campaigns
From : Netherlands

Rhina Tavarez

Participate 0 Campaigns
From : United States

Join Aa Volunteer For Our Campaign

We envision transformed a new world. We try to restore through donations, revoke poverty, and make a new era. Your donation can save many lives, children and the less fortunate.


Our Inspirational Story

We will utilize your money providing a source of high income while minimizing any possibility of risk in a very secure way.


Start funding with Wenze Foundation

The world has changed, but children’s needs have not. Wenze Foundation commitment to children remains as strong as ever despite the complexities of our world.

The world has changed, but children’s needs have not. Wenze Foundation commitment to children remains as strong as ever despite the complexities of our world.

Despite remarkable challenges around the world, Wenze Foundation staffers fight for the rights of every homeless people seeking safe shelter, nutrition, protection from disaster and conflicts, and equality.

Start funding for homeless

Every year the world getting down flood and tsunami cyclone and many more tidal effects in the world, we are the collaborate the event for homeless people to rise their own way tom go up!

Body Peace & Personal Empowerment

From the moment we’re born and take our first breath, we’re being socialized or learning what it means to be a member of the culture we were born into. We begin learning through both subtle and overt cues, messages, observations and images what the values and norms of that culture are in that time and place. We learn what is acceptable, desirable, worthy, valuable… and what isn’t.


Recent Funded Campaigns

We will utilize your money providing a source of high income while minimizing any possibility of risk in a very secure way.

Success Stories

Wenze Foundation is a platform built on the generosity of individuals around the world. Together, the Wenze Foundation community has changed the lives of millions of people. With over $24 million raised from more than 280,000 donations, we’re just getting started. Below are a few Wenze Foundation success stories to help inspire you to start a fundraiser of your own.

Top Donors

We will utilize your money providing a source of high income while minimizing any possibility of risk in a very secure way.


Donation: $133,236.00


Ali Ibrahim
Donation: $73,390.00


Raphael Lewi
Donation: $54,000.00


Kathy Bobbs
Donation: $100.00


Donation: $45.00

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