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e are raising funds for a solar borehole,?water supply and taps in a village called Ndofan in The Gambia, as lack of water is a major issue in the village

Asalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh,

Thank you once again for supporting Saddaqatul Jariya foundation borehole project. Your donations have helped installed a borehole and stand pipes for easy access to water for the community at Ndofan, The Gambia. May Allah Azzawajalla reward immensely, and may it continue to yield all of you Saddaqatul Jariya inshaa’Allah. Aameen.

Jazzakumullah khairan

The Prophet (SAW) said that ‘The best form of charity is to give someone water (to drink).’ (Ibn Majah). This would be continous charity for yourself or a loved one, alive or dead.
Your donation will give many families access to clean water including children in schools and Madrasahs.
Get reward as long as someone is benefitting from the water.

*Sadaqatul Jariya Foundation*

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Isatou Sanyang Jaiteh is organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Kodou Corr.
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  • Ali Ibrahim

    Amount : $15,000.00

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