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15-month-old Max Weber has just been diagnosed with bladder cancer (embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma). His parents, Lauren and Dan, noticed blood in Max’s urine and took him to the emergency room in Kitchener. After a blood and urine test did not reveal any explanation, an ultrasound was performed. This ultrasound revealed a mass in Max’s bladder, and they were immediately sent to McMaster Children’s Hospital in Hamilton for additional testing.

After additional testing and scans, the team at McMaster let Lauren and Dan know that there was cause for concern.

A cystoscopy and biopsy were scheduled for the following week. The results confirmed that the mass was malignant, and Max was diagnosed with embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma. Rhabdomyosarcomas are rare, representing only 3 to 4% of pediatric cancers overall, and are rarely located in the bladder.

Lauren and Dan have been heartbroken by this news: Max is the light of their life. At only 15 months, Max already goes out of his way to make others smile. He loves to bring everyone in the room a toy and gives out lots of hugs and kisses. Right now, his favourite things are bubbles, balls, Elmo, clocks, and birds.

Max's treatment will involve surgery for partial or full removal of the bladder and 6 to 10 months of chemotherapy. Lauren and Dan recently moved to Owen Sound. Unfortunately, this is a nearly 3-hour drive to McMaster Children's Hospital. Treatment will require weekly travel to Hamilton.

Lauren is currently on maternity leave from her work as an early childhood educator, and will not be able to return to work as planned. For the foreseeable future, Lauren will need to provide round-the-clock outpatient care to Max. Dan hopes to be able to spend as much time as possible with his wife and son during this process. It is my hope that we can come together to alleviate any financial pressures that will get in their way.

$21 will cover parking for one appointment. $100 will pay for gas for one round trip for weekly treatment. $200 will cover a week of groceries. Every dollar counts towards relieving Max and his family of financial stress. Let’s do what we can to help this family in need so they can focus on the most important thing…helping Max beat cancer.

As Max's Aunt, on the Weber family’s behalf, I am asking with deep humility and thankfulness that you find it in your heart to help. Any amount is sincerely appreciated and will make a difference during this difficult time.

THANK YOU for your help. Your generosity and compassion mean more than we can express.

With love and gratitude,

Max's Auntie Jasmin

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  • Anonymous

    Amount : $1,560.00

  • Anonymous

    Amount : $15,000.00

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